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Interface Int 21h

; ============================================================================
;                          LT-DOS - Int 21h services
; ============================================================================

; ------------- DOS error codes

DOSERR_OK	EQU	00h	; (0) no error
DOSERR_INVFUNC	EQU	01h	; (1) invalid function number
DOSERR_FILEFND	EQU	02h	; (2) file not found
DOSERR_PATHFND	EQU	03h	; (3) path not found
DOSERR_TOOFILES	EQU	04h	; (4) too many open files (no handles avail.)
DOSERR_ACCESS	EQU	05h	; (5) access denied
DOSERR_INVHAND	EQU	06h	; (6) invalid handle
DOSERR_MCBERR	EQU	07h	; (7) memory control block destroyed
DOSERR_MEMORY	EQU	08h	; (8) insufficient memory
DOSERR_ADDRESS	EQU	09h	; (9) invalid memory control block address
DOSERR_ENV	EQU	0Ah	; (10) invalid environment
DOSERR_FORMAT	EQU	0Bh	; (11) format invalid
DOSERR_INVCODE	EQU	0Ch	; (12) invalid access code
DOSERR_INVDATA	EQU	0Dh	; (13) invalid data
DOSERR_INVDISK	EQU	0Fh	; (15) invalid drive
DOSERR_REMDIR	EQU	10h	; (16) attempt to remove current directory
DOSERR_SAMEDEV	EQU	11h	; (17) not same device
DOSERR_NOFILE	EQU	12h	; (18) no more files
		; --- Int 24h errors
;DOSERR_PROT	EQU	13h	; (19) disk write-protected
;DOSERR_UNIT	EQU	14h	; (20) unknown unit
;DOSERR_READY	EQU	15h	; (21) device not ready
;DOSERR_COMMAND	EQU	16h	; (22) unknown command
;DOSERR_CRC	EQU	17h	; (23) CRC failure
;DOSERR_LENGTH	EQU	18h	; (24) bad drive request structure length
;DOSERR_SEEK	EQU	19h	; (25) seek failure
;DOSERR_MEDIA	EQU	1Ah	; (26) unknown media type
;DOSERR_SECTOR	EQU	1Bh	; (27) sector not found
;DOSERR_PAPER	EQU	1Ch	; (28) printer out of paper
;DOSERR_WRITE	EQU	1Dh	; (29) write fault
;DOSERR_READ	EQU	1Eh	; (30) read fault
;DOSERR_GENERAL	EQU	1Fh	; (31) general failure

; ------------- Standard device identifiers

STDIN		EQU	0	; Standard console input
STDOUT		EQU	1	; Standard console output
STDERR		EQU	2	; Standard error output

; ------------- Table of Int 21h functions

Int21Fnc:	dw	Int2100		; 00h terminate program
		dw	Int2101		; 01h get char. from STDIN with echo
		dw	Int2102		; 02h put character to STDOUT
		dw	Int2103		; 03h get character from STDAUX
		dw	Int2104		; 04h output character to STDAUX
		dw	Int2105		; 05h output character to STDPRN
		dw	Int2106		; 06h direct STDIO - kbd to screen
		dw	Int2107		; 07h char from STDIO, no echo
		dw	Int2108		; 08h char from STDIO, no echo, ^C
		dw	Int2109		; 09h display a string to STDOUT
		dw	Int210A		; 0Ah buffered keyboard input
		dw	Int210B		; 0Bh check STDIN status
		dw	Int210C		; 0Ch clear+invoke keyboard function
		dw	Int210D		; 0Dh flush all disk buffers
		dw	Int210E		; 0Eh select disk
		dw	Int210F		; 0Fh open file with FCB

		dw	Int2110		; 10h close file opened with FCB
		dw	Int2111		; 11h search for first file entry
		dw	Int2112		; 12h search for next file entry
		dw	Int2113		; 13h delete file specified by FCB
		dw	Int2114		; 14h sequential read from file FCB
		dw	Int2115		; 15h sequential write to file FCB
		dw	Int2116		; 16h find or create firectory entry
		dw	Int2117		; 17h rename file FCB
		dw	Int2118		; 18h unknown
		dw	Int2119		; 19h return current disk drive
		dw	Int211A		; 1Ah set disk transfer area (DTA)
		dw	Int211B		; 1Bh get current disk drive FAT
		dw	Int211C		; 1Ch get disk FAT for any drive
		dw	Int211D		; 1Dh unknown
		dw	Int211E		; 1Eh unknown
		dw	Int211F		; 1Fh read DOS disk block

		dw	Int2120		; 20h unknown
		dw	Int2121		; 21h random read from file FCB
		dw	Int2122		; 22h random write to file FCB
		dw	Int2123		; 23h return number of records in FCB
		dw	Int2124		; 24h set file record size FCB
		dw	Int2125		; 25h set interrupt vector
		dw	Int2126		; 26h create new PSP
		dw	Int2127		; 27h random file block read from FCB
		dw	Int2128		; 28h random file block write to FCB
		dw	Int2129		; 29h parse the command line
		dw	Int212A		; 2Ah get the system date
		dw	Int212B		; 2Bh set the system date
		dw	Int212C		; 2Ch get the system time
		dw	Int212D		; 2Dh set the system time
		dw	Int212E		; 2Eh set/clear disk write VERIFY
		dw	Int212F		; 2Fh get disk transfer area (DTA)

		dw	Int2130		; 30h get DOS version number
		dw	Int2131		; 31h terminate and stay resident
		dw	Int2132		; 32h read DOS Disk Block
		dw	Int2133		; 33h get or set Ctrl-Break
		dw	Int2134		; 34h INDOS Critical Section Flag
		dw	Int2135		; 35h get interrupt vector
		dw	Int2136		; 36h get free disk space
		dw	Int2137		; 37h get/set SWITCHAR
		dw	Int2138		; 38h return country-dep. information
		dw	Int2139		; 39h create subdirectory
		dw	Int213A		; 3Ah remove subdirectory
		dw	Int213B		; 3Bh change current directory
		dw	Int213C		; 3Ch create file with file handle
		dw	Int213D		; 3Dh open file with file handle
		dw	Int213E		; 3Eh close file with file handle
		dw	Int213F		; 3Fh read from file with file handle

		dw	Int2140		; 40h write to file with file handle
		dw	Int2141		; 41h delete file
		dw	Int2142		; 42h move file pointer
		dw	Int2143		; 43h set/get file attributes
		dw	Int2144		; 44h device IOCTL (I/O control) info
		dw	Int2145		; 45h duplicate file handle
		dw	Int2146		; 46h force a duplicate file handle
		dw	Int2147		; 47h get current directory
		dw	Int2148		; 48h allocate memory
		dw	Int2149		; 49h release allocated memory
		dw	Int214A		; 4Ah resize allocated memory
		dw	Int214B		; 4Bh load or execute a program
		dw	Int214C		; 4Ch terminate prog and return to DOS
		dw	Int214D		; 4Dh get return code of subprocess
		dw	Int214E		; 4Eh find first matching file
		dw	Int214F		; 4Fh find next matching file

		dw	Int2150		; 50h set new current PSP
		dw	Int2151		; 51h puts current PSP into BX
		dw	Int2152		; 52h pointer to the DOS list of lists
		dw	Int2153		; 53h translates Bios Parameter Block
		dw	Int2154		; 54h get disk verification status
		dw	Int2155		; 55h create PSP
		dw	Int2156		; 56h rename a file
		dw	Int2157		; 57h get/set file date and time
		dw	Int2158		; 58h get/set allocation strategy
		dw	Int2159		; 59h get extended error information
		dw	Int215A		; 5Ah create a unique filename
		dw	Int215B		; 5Bh create a DOS file
		dw	Int215C		; 5Ch lock/unlock file contents
		dw	Int215D		; 5Dh DOS internal functions
		dw	Int215E		; 5Eh network printer
		dw	Int215F		; 5Fh network redirection

		dw	Int2160		; 60h parse pathname
		dw	Int2161		; 61h unknown
		dw	Int2162		; 62h get program segment prefix (PSP)
		dw	Int2163		; 63h get lead byte table
		dw	Int2164		; 64h unknown
		dw	Int2165		; 65h get extended country information
		dw	Int2166		; 66h get/set global code page table
		dw	Int2167		; 67h set handle count
		dw	Int2168		; 68h commit file
		dw	Int2169		; 69h disk serial number
		dw	Int216A		; 6Ah unknown
		dw	Int216B		; 6Bh unknown
		dw	Int216C		; 6Ch extended open/create

Int21Num	EQU	($-Int21Fnc)/2	; number of Int 21h functions

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                       Unsupported Int 21h functions
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


		mov	al,0		; AL <- 0 (unsupported function)

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                      Int 20h service (terminate program)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

MyInt20:	mov	ah,0		; AH <- 0 function code
                jmp	short MyInt211

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                              Int 21h service
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Register offsets of Int 21h service (in stack)

REG21F		EQU	22		; Int 21h flags register in stack
REG21CS		EQU	20		; Int 21h CS register in stack
REG21IP		EQU	18		; Int 21h IP register in stack
REG21ES		EQU	16		; Int 21h ES register in stack
REG21DS		EQU	14		; Int 21h DS register in stack
REG21BP		EQU	12		; Int 21h BP register in stack
REG21DI		EQU	10		; Int 21h DI register in stack
REG21SI		EQU	8		; Int 21h SI register in stack
REG21DX		EQU	6		; Int 21h DX register in stack
REG21CX		EQU	4		; Int 21h CX register in stack
REG21BX		EQU	2		; Int 21h BX register in stack
REG21AX		EQU	0		; Int 21h AX register in stack

; ------------- Check function number

MyInt21:	cmp	ah,Int21Num	; check function number
		jb	MyInt211	; function number is OK
MyInt210:	mov	al,0		; error code - unsupported function

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Old style (CALL 5) DOS service
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; - user call this with "call near 5" instruction (only in COM program)
; - PSP:5 addres contains "call far 0000:00c0h" instruction
; - address 0000:00c0h (=address of int 30h) contains "jump far"instruction
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Store return address

OldDOS:		pop	ax		; destroy offset of return address
		pop	ax		; AX <- segment of PSP
		pop	word [cs:OldStack]; store offset of return address

; ------------- Simulate Int 21h call

		pushf			; push flags to simulate Int 21h
		push	ax		; push segment of PSP
		push	word [cs:OldStack]; restore offset of return address
		cli			; disable interrupts

; ------------- Check function number

		cmp	cl,24h		; check maximal number of function
		ja	MyInt210	; invalid function number
		mov	ah,cl		; AH <- function code

; ------------- Push registers (at this point interrupt is disabled)

MyInt211:	call	PushAll		; push all registers

; ------------- Push DS:BX registers

		mov	[cs:PushDSBX+2],ds ; push DS
		push	cs		; push CS
		pop	ds		; DS <- CS
		mov	[PushDSBX],bx	; push BX

; ------------- Set DOS active flag

		inc	byte [DOSActive] ; set DOS active flag

; ------------- Push previous stack pointer

		mov	bx,[OldStack]	; BX <- previous SP
		mov	[OldStack2],bx	; push previous SP
		mov	bx,[OldStack+2]	; BX <- previous SS
		mov	[OldStack2+2],bx ; push previous SS

; ------------- Push stack pointer

		mov	[OldStack],sp	; push SP
		mov	[OldStack+2],ss	; push SS

; ------------- Store stack pointer into PSP

		push	ds		; push DS
		mov	ds,[CurrentPSP]	; DS <- segment of current PSP
		mov	[2Eh],sp	; store SP
		mov	[30h],ss	; store SS
		pop	ds		; pop DS

; ------------- Enable Int 28h idle service

		mov	byte [Int28Enabled],1 ; enable Int 28h service

; ------------- Functions without internal stack

		cmp	ah,50h		; set new PSP address
		je	MyInt216	; no internal stack
		cmp	ah,51h		; get current PSP address
		je	MyInt216	; no internal stack

; ------------- Init Int 21h stack (within Int 24h)

		mov	sp,cs		; SP <- CS
		mov	ss,sp		; SS <- CS
		mov	sp,Int21Stack3	; stack for Int 24h

; ------------- Console functions use own internal stack

		or	ah,ah		; function 00h (program end)
		jz	MyInt212	; internal stack 1
		cmp	ah,0Ch		; character functions ?
		jbe	MyInt213	; internal stack 2

; ------------- Init internal stack - other functions

MyInt212:	mov	sp,Int21Stack1	; SS:SP <- INT 21h internal stack 1
		mov	byte [Int24Active],0 ; Int 24h is not active
		mov	byte [LastDiskError],0ffh ; no last disk with error

; ------------- Test BREAK

		cmp	byte [Break],0	; test BREAK?
		je	MyInt216	; don't test BREAK
		push	ax		; push AX
		call	BreakTest	; test BREAK
		pop	ax		; pop AX
		jmp	short MyInt216

; ------------- Init internal stack - console functions

MyInt213:	cmp	byte [Int24Active],0 ; is Int 24h active?
                jne	MyInt216	; Int 24h is active
		mov	sp,Int21Stack2	; SS:SP <- INT 21h internal stack 2
MyInt216:	sti			; enable interrupts

; ------------- Prepare return address from service (simulates CALL NEAR)

		mov	bx,MyInt21Ret	; BX <- return address
		push	bx		; prepare return address

; ------------- Prepare jump address of service

		mov	bh,0		; BH <- 0
		mov	bl,ah		; BL <- function code
		shl	bx,1		; BX = function code * 2
		push	word [Int21Fnc+bx] ; push address of service

; ------------- Pop DS:BX registers and jump to the service

		lds	bx,[PushDSBX]	; pop DS:BX registers
		cld			; direction up
		ret			; junp to the service
; ------------- Return from service (here is AL = return code)

MyInt21Ret:	cli			; disable interrupts
		push	cs		; push CS
		pop	ds		; DS <- CS

; ------------- Reset DOS active flag

		dec	byte [DOSActive] ; reset DOS active flag

; ------------- Return old stack pointer

		mov	sp,[OldStack]	; SP <- old SP
		mov	ss,[OldStack+2]	; SS <- old SS

; ------------- Set AL register (return code)

		mov	bp,sp		; BP <- stack pointer
		mov	[bp+REG21AX],al	; store AL return code

; ------------- Return previous stack pointer

		mov	ax,[OldStack2]	; AX <- previous SP
		mov	[OldStack],ax	; return previous SP
		mov	ax,[OldStack2+2] ; AX <- previous SS
		mov	[OldStack+2],ax ; return previous SS

; ------------- Pop registers

		call	PopAll		; pop all registers

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                      Get register pointer
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; OUTPUT:	DS:SI = registers in call stack (offset RE21AX...REG21F)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

GetReg:		lds	si,[cs:OldStack] ; DS:DI <- old stack

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Set output register AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AX = output register AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SetRegAX:	push	ds		; push DS
		push	si		; push SI
		call	GetReg		; get register pointer
		mov	[si+REG21AX],ax	; store output register AX
		pop	si		; pop SI
		pop	ds		; pop DS

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Set output register BX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	BX = output register BX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SetRegBX:	push	ds		; push DS
		push	si		; push SI
		call	GetReg		; get register pointer
		mov	[si+REG21BX],bx	; store output register BX
		pop	si		; pop SI
		pop	ds		; pop DS

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Set output register CX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	CX = output register CX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SetRegCX:	push	ds		; push DS
		push	si		; push SI
		call	GetReg		; get register pointer
		mov	[si+REG21CX],cx	; store output register CX
		pop	si		; pop SI
		pop	ds		; pop DS

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Set output register DX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	DX = output register DX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SetRegDX:	push	ds		; push DS
		push	si		; push SI
		call	GetReg		; get register pointer
		mov	[si+REG21DX],dx	; store output register DX
		pop	si		; pop SI
		pop	ds		; pop DS

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Set DOS result error flag (and AH <- 0)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DOSError:	mov	ah,0		; AH <- 0
		push	ds		; push DS
		push	si		; push SI
		call	GetReg		; get register pointer
		or	byte [si+REG21F],1 ; set error flag
		pop	si		; pop SI
		pop	ds		; pop DS

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                      Reset DOS result error flag
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DOSOK:		push	ds		; push DS
		push	si		; push SI
		call	GetReg		; get register pointer
		and	byte [si+REG21F],~1 ; reset error flag
		pop	si		; pop SI
		pop	ds		; pop DS

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                 Int 21h, function 30h - get version number
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 30h (function code)
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = major version number
;		AH = minor version number
;               BH = OEM number (LT-DOS: 0F3h)
;		BL:CX = 24-bit user serial number
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Int2130:	push	cs		; push CS
		pop	ds		; DS <- CS
		mov	ax,[DOSVer]	; AL <- major, AH <- minor version
		mov	bx,[DOSSerialH]	; BL <- serial HIGH, BH <- OEM number
		mov	cx,[DOSSerial]	; CX <- serial LOW
		call	SetRegAX	; set output register AX
		call	SetRegBX	; set output register BX
		call	SetRegCX	; set output register CX

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                 Int 21h, function 54h - get verify flag
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 54h (function code)
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = verify flag
;			0 = verify flag is off
;			1 = verify flag is on, all disk writes verified
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                      Execute Int 24h disk error routine
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Execute Int 24h error routine
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = drive number
;		AH = type and processing flags (see below)
;		DI = error code
;		ES:BP = address of DDPB
; OUTPUT:	AL = action code (0=ignore, 1=retry, 2=terminate, 3=fail)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Int 24h handler:
;	AL = drive number if bit 7 of AH is clear
;	AH = type and processing flags
;		bit 7:	0=disk I-O error
;			1=bad FAT image in memory (block device)
;				or error code in DI (char device)
;		bit 5:	1=ignore allowed
;		bit 4:	1=retry allowed
;		bit 3:	1=fail allowed
;		bit 1,2: disk area of error
;				0=DOS area, 1=FAT, 2=root, 3=data
;		bit 0:	1=write, 0=read
;	BP:SI = Device Driver Header
;	DI = error code if AH bit 7 is set, see Device driver error codes
;	STACK:	[SP+0]: (2) offset of return address for Int 24h
;		[SP+2]: (2) segment of return address for Int 24h
;		[SP+4]: (2) flags pushed with Int 24h
;		[SP+6]: (2) AX
;		[SP+8]: (2) BX
;		[SP+10]: (2) CX
;		[SP+12]: (2) DX
;		[SP+14]: (2) SI
;		[SP+16]: (2) DI
;		[SP+18]: (2) BP
;		[SP+20]: (2) DS
;		[SP+22]: (2) ES
;		[SP+24]: (2) offset of return address for Int 21h
;		[SP+26]: (2) segment return address for Int 21h
;		[SP+28]: (2) flags pushed with Int 21h
;	AL = action code (0=ignore, 1=retry, 2=terminate, 3=fail)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers ES, BP

DoInt24:	mov	[cs:Int24ESBP],bp  ; push register BP
		mov	[cs:Int24ESBP+2],es; push register ES

; ------------- Pointer to DDH (-> BP:SI)

		mov	si,[es:bp+DDPB_DDH] ; SI <- offset of DDH
		mov	bp,[es:bp+DDPB_DDH+2] ; BP <- segment of DDH

; ------------- Test, if Int 24h is already active

		cmp	byte [cs:Int24Active],0 ; is Int 24h already active?
		jne	DoInt244	; Int 24h is already active

; ------------- Call Int 24h routine

		cli			; disable interrupts
		push	cs		; push CS
		pop	es		; ES <- CS
		dec	byte [cs:DOSActive] ; decrease DOS active flag
		inc	byte [cs:Int24Active] ; increase Int 24h active flag
		mov	[cs:Int24SP],sp	; push SP register
		mov	ss,[cs:OldStack+2]; return SS
		mov	sp,[cs:OldStack] ; return SP
		int	24h		 ; call Int 24h routine
		mov	[cs:OldStack],sp ; store new SP
		mov	[cs:OldStack+2],ss ; store new SS
		mov	sp,cs		; SP <- CS
		mov	ss,sp		; SS <- CS
		mov	sp,[cs:Int24SP]	; pop SP register
		mov	byte [cs:Int24Active],0 ; Int 24h is not active
		inc	byte [cs:DOSActive] ; increase DOS active flag
		sti			; enable interrupts

; ------------- Pop registers ES, BP
DoInt242:	les	bp,[cs:Int24ESBP] ; ES:BP <- pop ES:BP

; ------------- Terminate program

		cmp	al,2		; terminate program?
		je	DoInt246	; terminate program
		mov	byte [cs:LastDiskError],0ffh ; no last disk with error

; ------------- Default Int 24h handler, if Int 24h is already active

DoInt244:	mov	al,0		; AL <- 0 code to ignore
		jmp	short DoInt242

; ------------- Terminate program

DoInt246:	push	cs		; push CS
		pop	ds		; DS <- CS

; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Int 24h = 2DC8 


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                           Push all registers
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

PushAll:	pop	word [cs:PushAllRet] ; store return address
		push	es		; 16: push ES
		push	ds		; 14: push DS
		push	bp		; 12: push BP
		push	di		; 10: push DI
		push	si		; 8: push SI
		push	dx		; 6: push DX
		push	cx		; 4: push CX
		push	bx		; 2: push BX
		push	ax		; 0: push AX
PushAll2:	jmp	[cs:PushAllRet]	; return

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                           Pop all registers
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

PopAll:		pop	word [cs:PushAllRet] ; store return address
		pop	ax		; pop AX
		pop	bx		; pop BX
		pop	cx		; pop CX
		pop	dx		; pop DX
		pop	si		; pop SI
		pop	di		; pop DI
		pop	bp		; pop BP
		pop	ds		; pop DS
		pop	es		; pop ES
		jmp	short PushAll2	; return

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                    Data
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Internal stacks

		times	80h db 0	; internal stack for INT 21h/25h/26h

		times	80h db 0	; internal stack for console functions

		times	80h db 0	; internal stack for INT 21h/INT 24h

; ------------- DOS version number

DOSVer:		db	2,20		; major and minor DOS version number
DOSSerial:	dw	0		; user serial number LOW
DOSSerialH:	db	0		; user serial number HIGH
DOSOEM:		db	0F3h		; DOS OEM number

; ------------- INT 21h variables

PushAllRet:	dw	0		; push return address

PushDSBX:	dd	0		; push DS:BX in 21h call

OldStack:	dd	0		; push old stack pointer
OldStack2:	dd	0		; previous old stack pointer

DOSActive:	db	0		; DOS active flag

; ------------- SYSVAR array - List of lists

FirstAlloc:	dw	0		; -2: segment of first MCB
FirstDDPB:	dd	0		; 0: address of first DDPB
FirstSFT:	dd	0		; 4: pointer to first System File Table
ClockDev:	dd	0		; 8: pointer to active CLOCK$ device
ConDev:		dd	0		; 0Ch: pointer to active CON device
DiskCount:	db	0		; 10h: number of block devices
MaxSectorSize:	dw	512		; 11h: maximum bytes/sector
FirstDiskBuff:	dd	0		; 13h: pointer to first disk bubffer
					; 17h: actual NUL device header
DPBNUL:		dw	DPBCON,BOOTSEG	; pointer to next device
		dw	B15+B2		; attributes (NUL, char)
		dw	SetStrat	; device strategy
		dw	NULInt		; device interrupt
		db	'NUL     '	; device name

; ------------- DOS Device Driver Request

DOSDDR_len:	db	0		; 0: length of this header (in bytes)
DOSDDR_unit:	db	0		; 1: subunit number (block device only)
DOSDDR_cmd:	db	0		; 2: command code
DOSDDR_errorstatus:		; (3: error code + status)
DOSDDR_error:	db	0		; 3: error code (if S_ERROR is set)
DOSDDR_status:	db	0		; 4: device request status
DOSDDR_res:	dd	0		; 5: ... reserved
DOSDDR_next:	dd	0		; 9: pointer to next DDR
DOSDDR_media:	db	0		; 13: media descriptor
DOSDDR_trans:	dd	0		; 14: transfer address
DOSDDR_count:	dw	0		; 18: byte count or sector count
DOSDDR_start:	dw	0		; 20: starting sector number (-1=32bit)
DOSDDR_volID:	dd	0		; 22: pointer to volume ID
DOSDDR_start2:	dd	0		; 26: 32-bit starting sector number

; ------------- data for Int 24h routine

Int24Active:	db	0		; <> 0 Int 24h routine is active
Int24ESBP:	dd	0		; push ES:BP registers for Int 24h
Int24SP:	dw	0		; push SP register for Int 24h

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