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Obsluha konzoly


; ============================================================================
;                      LT-DOS - Int 21h console
; ============================================================================

SPACE		EQU	20h		; space character (first printable)
DELETE		EQU	7fh		; delete character
TAB		EQU	9		; tabulator character
CR		EQU	13		; CR character (Carriage Return)
LF		EQU	10		; LF character (Line Feed)

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;              Push registers and execute console device transfer
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Store return address

StdPush:	pop	word [cs:ConPushAddr] ; store return address

; ------------- Push registers

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                 Slow write character to STDOUT (in file mode)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = character
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                   Direct write character to STDOUT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = character
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

StdWrite:	push	bx		; push BX
		push	di		; push DI
		push	es		; push ES

; ------------- Get FCB of STDIN file (-> ES:DI)

		mov	bx,STDOUT	; BX <- 1 standard output device
		call	GetFileFCB	; get FCB of file
		jc	StdWrite8	; error

; ------------- Check if it is fast character device Int 29h

		test	byte [es:di+OFT_DevAttr-OFT_FCB],B7 ; is it character device?
		jz	StdWrite6	; no, it is block device
		push	ds		; push DS
		lds	bx,[es:di+OFT_Device-OFT_FCB] ; DS:BX <- device header
		test	byte [bx+DDH_attr],DEV_FAST ; use fast Int 29h?
		pop	ds		; pop DS
		jz	StdWrite6	; don't use fast Int 29h

; ------------- Output character with fast Int 29h

		int	29h		; output character
		jmp	short StdWrite8

; ------------- Output character in file mode

StdWrite6:	call	StdSWrite	; slow output to STDOUT

; ------------- Pop registers

StdWrite8:	pop	es		; pop ES
		pop	di		; pop DI
		pop	bx		; pop BX

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;    Int 21h, function 01h - read character from STDIN with echo to STDOUT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 01h (function code)
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = ASCII character (8 bits) or 0 if extended ASCII follows
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- Does echo on STDOUT
;		- Check for Ctrl+C (executes Int 23h)
;		- 0 means that extended ASCII code follows
;		- Ctrl+P toggles the DOS-internal echo-to-printer flag
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


;		call	Int21022	; output character to STDOUT

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                 Write character or control character to STDOUT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = character to write
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Write printable character

StdOutCtrl:	cmp	al,SPACE	; is it control character?
		jae	StdOutCh1	; write printable character

; ------------- Write tabulator

		cmp	al,TAB		; is it tabulator?
		je	StdOutCh1	; write tabulator

; ------------- Print control character

		push	ax		; push AX
		mov	al,'^'		; ^ character
		call	StdOutCh1	; print ^ character
		pop	ax		; pop AX
		or	al,40h		; convert to printable character
		jmp	short StdOutCh1	; print character

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;            Int 21h, function 02h - write character to STDOUT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 02h (function code)
;		DL = ASCII character to write
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = writted ASCII character (= DL, 9 is expanded to 20h)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- If character is 08h (BS) it moves 1 position left
;		- Check for Ctrl+C (executes Int 23h)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Character to output

Int2102:	xchg	ax,dx		; AL <- character to output

; StdOutChar function must follow!

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                           Write character to STDOUT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = character to write
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Check if it is control character

StdOutCh:	cmp	al,SPACE	; is it control character?
                jb	StdOutCh4	; it is control character

; ------------- Increase character position (except DELETE character)

StdOutCh1:	cmp	al,DELETE	; is it DELETE character?
		je	StdOutCh2	; it is DELETE character, skip
		inc	byte [cs:CharPos] ; increase character position

; ------------- Break test

StdOutCh2:	dec	byte [cs:BreakCount] ; Break test counter
		jnz	StdOutCh3	; do not do break test
		mov	byte [cs:BreakCount],4 ; init new break test counter
		call	ConCtrl		; console control service




; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;             Int 21h, function 06h - direct STDIN or STDOUT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 06h (function code)
;		DL = ASCII character to write (except 0ffh)
;		or DL = 0ffh to read ASCII character
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = writted ASCII character (on write = DL, 9 expands to 20h)
;		if read character:
;			ZF is set (=ZY) if no character available, AL = 0
;			ZF is clear (=NZ) if character available
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- Does not check for Ctrl+C
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;       Int 21h, function 07h - read character from STDIN without echo
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 07h (function code)
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = ASCII character (8 bits) or 0 if extended ASCII follows
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- Does not check for Ctrl+C
;		- 0 means that extended ASCII code follows
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------



; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;       Int 21h, function 08h - read character from STDIN without echo
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 08h (function code)
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = ASCII character (8 bits) or 0 if extended ASCII follows
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- Check for Ctrl+C (executes Int 23h)
;		- 0 means that extended ASCII code follows
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;            Int 21h, function 09h - write string to STDOUT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 09h (function code)
;		DS:DX = ASCII string terminated with '$' dollar character
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = '$'
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- Check for Ctrl+C (executes Int 23h)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;           Int 21h, function 0Ah - read string from STDIN
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 0Ah (function code)
;		DS:DX = buffer:
;			0: (1) (in) maximum characters
;			1: (1) (in/out) number of chars in buffer, without CR
;			2: (N) characters with the final CR
; INT21 OUTPUT:	buffer filled with user input
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- Check for Ctrl+C (executes Int 23h)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                  Int 21h, function 0Bh - get STDIN status
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 0Bh (function code)
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = status
;			0: no character available
;			1: character is available
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- Check for Ctrl+C (executes Int 23h)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;          Int 21h, function 0Ch - flush buffer and read from STDIN
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT21 INPUT:	AH = 0Ch (function code)
; INT21 OUTPUT:	AL = function (1, 6, 7, 8, 0Ah as in Int 21h functions)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                  Break test during Int 21h function
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTES:	- If Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Break) occurs, it terminates program
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Test if DOS function is active at first (basic) level

BreakTest:	cmp	byte [cs:DOSActive],1 ; DOS is active at first level?
           	jne	BreakTest9	; DOS is not active at fist level

; ------------- Push registers

		push	ax		; push AX
		push	bx		; push BX
		push	si		; push SI
		push	ds		; push DS
		push	es		; push ES

; ------------- Prepare DDR

		mov	bx,DOSDDR	; BX <- DOS DDR table pointer
		push	cs		; push CS
		pop	ds		; DS <- CS
		mov	byte [bx+DDR_len],14 ; DDR size
		mov	byte [bx+DDR_cmd],CMD_INTEST ; command, test input
		mov	word [bx+DDR_errorstatus],0 ; clear status

; ------------- Read console status

		push	cs		; push CS
		pop	es		; ES <- CS		
		lds	si,[ConDev]	; DS:SI <- console device header
		call	DevExec		; execute device service
		push	cs		; push CS
		pop	ds		; DS <- data segment

; ------------- Check returned status

		test	ah,S_BUSY	; is console busy?
		jnz	BreakTest8	; no character is ready

; ------------- Test character

		cmp	byte [bx+13],BREAK ; is it BREAK (Ctrl+C) character?
		jne	BreakTest8	; it is not BREAK

; ------------- Delete BREAK (Ctrl+C) character from console buffer

		xor	ax,ax		; AL <- 0 unit, AH <- 0 media
		mov	bx,ConBuff	; BX <- console data buffer
		mov	cx,1		; CX <- 1 size of data
		xor	dx,dx		; DX <- starting offset
		call	InitR16DDR	; prepare DDR table
		lds	si,[ConDev]	; DS:SI <- console device header
		call	DevExec		; execute device service
		xor	ax,ax		; set ZF to indicate terminate program

; ------------- Pop registers (here is ZY=terminate program)

BreakTest8:	pop	es		; pop ES
		pop	ds		; pop DS
		pop	si		; pop SI
		pop	bx		; pop BX
		pop	ax		; pop AX

; ------------- Terminate program

		jnz	BreakTest9	; don't terminate program
		jmp	Terminate	; terminate program

BreakTest9:	ret

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Console control service
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DESTROYS:	If returns OK it destroys nothing
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Break test

ConCtrl:	call	BreakTest	; break test

; ------------- Read character from console

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                   Terminate current program from console
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Display Ctrl+C character

Terminate:	mov	al,BREAK	; BREAK character (Ctrl+C)


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Call Int 28h idle service
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Check if Int 28h idle service is enabled

DoInt28:	pushf			; push flags
		cmp	byte [cs:Int24Active],0 ; is Int 24h active?
		jne	DoInt282	; Int 24h is active
		cmp	byte [cs:Int28Enabled],1 ; is Int 28h service enabled?
		jne	DoInt282	; Int 28h service is not enabled
		int	28h		; call Int 28h service
DoInt282:	popf			; pop flags

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                    Data
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ConBuff:	db	0		; console data buffer
Break:		db	0		; BREAK flag (1=break is on)
CharPos:	db	0		; character position on line
Int28Enabled:	db	1		; 1=enabled Int 28h idle service
BreakCount:	db	1		; break test counter
ConPushAddr:	dw	0		; push console return address

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