; ============================================================================
; LT-DOS - National support
; ============================================================================
; ------------- Country Information Table (CIT)
struc CIT
CIT_dateform: resw 1 ; 0: date format (see Date formats)
CIT_curr: resb 5 ; 2: ASCIIZ currency symbol string
CIT_thsnd: resb 2 ; 7: ASCIIZ thousands separator string
CIT_decimal: resb 2 ; 9: ASCIIZ decimal separator string
CIT_date: resb 2 ; 0Bh: ASCIIZ date separator string
CIT_time: resb 2 ; 0Dh: ASCIIZ time separator string
CIT_currflags: resb 1 ; 0Fh: currency flags
; B0 = currency symbol follows
; value, else precedes it
; B1 = number of spaces between
; value and currency symbol
; B2 = currency symbol replaces
; decimal point
CIT_digits: resb 1 ; 10h: number of digits after decimal
; in currency
CIT_timeflags: resb 1 ; 11h: time flags
; B0 = 24-hour, else 12-hour
CIT_map: resd 1 ; 12h: upper-case mapping routine
; (FAR CALL, AL = character)
CIT_data: resb 2 ; 16h: ASCIIZ data-list separator string
CIT_SIZE EQU CIT_size ; 18h = 24 bytes
; ------------- Date formats
DATE_USA EQU 0 ; date format - USA (MM/DD/YYYY)
DATE_EUROPE EQU 1 ; date format - Europe (DD.MM.YYYY)
DATE_JAPAN EQU 2 ; date format - Japan (YYYY-MM-DD)
; ------------- Country codes
COUNTRY_USA EQU 1 ; country code - USA
COUNTRY_FRANCE EQU 33 ; country code - France
COUNTRY_SPAIN EQU 34 ; country code - Spain
COUNTRY_ITALY EQU 39 ; country code - Italy
COUNTRY_SWITZ EQU 41 ; country code - Switzerland
COUNTRY_CZECH EQU 42 ; country code - Czechoslovakia
COUNTRY_UK EQU 44 ; country code - United Kingdom
COUNTRY_DENMARK EQU 45 ; country code - Denmark
COUNTRY_SWEDEN EQU 46 ; country code - Sweden
COUNTRY_NORWAY EQU 47 ; country code - Norway
COUNTRY_GERMANY EQU 49 ; country code - Germany
COUNTRY_JAPAN EQU 81 ; country code - Japan
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Upper-case mapping (characters >= 128)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AL = character
; OUTPUT: AL = upper-case character (only character >= 128)
; NOTES: This function is FAR CALL
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Check character range
Mapping: cmp al,80h ; minimal character
jb Mapping4 ; invalid character
cmp al,0a7h ; maximal character
ja Mapping4 ; invalid character
; ------------- Translate character
push bx ; push BX
push ds ; push DS
push cs ; push CS
pop ds ; DS <- CS
mov bx,MapTab ; BX <- mapping table
sub al,80h ; AL <- offset in table
xlat ; translate character
pop ds ; pop DS
pop bx ; pop BX
Mapping4: retf
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CurrentCIT: dw CIT_Table ; current country information table
; ------------- Country information tables
CIT_Table: ; ---- USA
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_USA ; country code
dw DATE_USA ; date format
db '$',0,0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db ',',0 ; thousands separator string
db '.',0 ; decimal separator string
db '-',0 ; date separator string
db ':',0 ; time separator string
db 0 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db 0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ',',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- France
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_FRANCE ; country code
dw DATE_EUROPE ; date format
db 'F',0,0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db ' ',0 ; thousands separator string
db ',',0 ; decimal separator string
db '/',0 ; date separator string
db ':',0 ; time separator string
db B0+B1 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ';',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Spain
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_SPAIN ; country code
dw DATE_EUROPE ; date format
db 9eh,0,0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db ' ',0 ; thousands separator string
db ',',0 ; decimal separator string
db '/',0 ; date separator string
db ':',0 ; time separator string
db B0+B1 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ';',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Italy
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_ITALY ; country code
dw DATE_EUROPE ; date format
db 'Lit.',0 ; currency symbol string
db '.',0 ; thousands separator string
db ',',0 ; decimal separator string
db '/',0 ; date separator string
db ':',0 ; time separator string
db B1 ; currency flags
db 0 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ';',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Switzerland
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_SWITZ ; country code
dw DATE_EUROPE ; date format
db 'Fr',0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db ',',0 ; thousands separator string
db '.',0 ; decimal separator string
db '.',0 ; date separator string
db '.',0 ; time separator string
db B1 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ',',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Czechoslovakia
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_CZECH ; country code
dw DATE_EUROPE ; date format
db 'Kc',0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db ' ',0 ; thousands separator string
db ',',0 ; decimal separator string
db '.',0 ; date separator string
db ':',0 ; time separator string
db B0+B1 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ';',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- United Kingdom
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_UK ; country code
dw DATE_EUROPE ; date format
db 9ch,0,0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db ',',0 ; thousands separator string
db '.',0 ; decimal separator string
db '-',0 ; date separator string
db ':',0 ; time separator string
db 0 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ',',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Denmark
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_DENMARK ; country code
dw DATE_EUROPE ; date format
db 'DKR',0,0 ; currency symbol string
db '.',0 ; thousands separator string
db ',',0 ; decimal separator string
db '/',0 ; date separator string
db '.',0 ; time separator string
db B0+B1 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ';',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Sweden
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_SWEDEN ; country code
dw DATE_JAPAN ; date format
db 'SEK',0,0 ; currency symbol string
db '.',0 ; thousands separator string
db ',',0 ; decimal separator string
db '-',0 ; date separator string
db '.',0 ; time separator string
db B1 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ';',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Norway
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_NORWAY ; country code
dw DATE_JAPAN ; date format
db 'KR',0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db '.',0 ; thousands separator string
db ',',0 ; decimal separator string
db '/',0 ; date separator string
db '.',0 ; time separator string
db B1 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ';',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Germany
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_GERMANY ; country code
dw DATE_EUROPE ; date format
db 'DM',0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db '.',0 ; thousands separator string
db ',',0 ; decimal separator string
db '.',0 ; date separator string
db '.',0 ; time separator string
db 0 ; currency flags
db 2 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ';',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- Japan
db 24 ; table length
db COUNTRY_JAPAN ; country code
dw DATE_JAPAN ; date format
db 9dh,0,0,0,0 ; currency symbol string
db ',',0 ; thousands separator string
db '.',0 ; decimal separator string
db '-',0 ; date separator string
db ':',0 ; time separator string
db 0 ; currency flags
db 0 ; number of digits after decimal
db B0 ; time flags
dw Mapping,BOOTSEG ; upper-case mapping routine
dw ',',0 ; data-list separator string
; ---- End of table
db 0, 0ffh
; ------------- Upper-case character mapping table (characters >= 128)
MapTab: db 80h ; 80h
db 9ah ; 81h
db 45h ; 82h
db 41h ; 83h
db 8eh ; 84h
db 41h ; 85h
db 8fh ; 86h
db 80h ; 87h
db 45h ; 88h
db 45h ; 89h
db 45h ; 8ah
db 49h ; 8bh
db 49h ; 8ch
db 49h ; 8dh
db 8eh ; 8eh
db 8fh ; 8fh
db 90h ; 90h
db 92h ; 91h
db 92h ; 92h
db 4fh ; 93h
db 99h ; 94h
db 4fh ; 95h
db 55h ; 96h
db 55h ; 97h
db 59h ; 98h
db 99h ; 99h
db 9ah ; 9ah
db 9bh ; 9bh
db 9ch ; 9ch
db 9dh ; 9dh
db 9eh ; 9eh
db 9fh ; 9fh
db 41h ; a0h
db 49h ; a1h
db 4fh ; a2h
db 55h ; a3h
db 95h ; a4h
db 95h ; a5h
db 96h ; a6h
db 97h ; a7h