; ============================================================================
; LT-DOS - LPT port device
; ============================================================================
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Device service tables
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- PRN, LPT service table
FNCLPT: db 12 ; number of functions
dw DevIntOK ; 0 init
dw DevIntOK ; 1 media check
dw DevIntOK ; 2 build BPB
dw DevIntInv ; 3 IOCTL input
dw LPTRData ; 4 read data
dw LPTRTest ; 5 test read
dw DevIntOK ; 6 input status
dw DevIntOK ; 7 flush input
dw LPTWData ; 8 write data
dw LPTWData ; 9 write with verify
dw LPTWState ; 10 output status
dw DevIntOK ; 11 flush output
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Device interrupt service - LPT write data
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: CX = number of characters to write
; ES:DI = data buffer
; DS = data segment
; OUTPUT: AX = status word
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LPTWData: jcxz LPTWData8 ; there are no data to write
LPTWData2: mov bx,2 ; BX <- attempt counter
; ------------- Test printer status
LPTWData4: mov ah,2 ; AH <- function code
call LPTFnc ; call LPT function
jc LPTWData5 ; error
; ------------- Output character
mov al,[es:di] ; AL <- character to write
mov ah,0 ; AH <- function code
call LPTFnc ; call LPT function
jnc LPTWData7 ; all OK
; ------------- Error
LPTWData5: dec bx ; attempt counter
jnz LPTWData4 ; next attempt
LPTWDataERR: jmp DevIntError ; error
; ------------- Next character
LPTWData7: inc di ; increase pointer
loop LPTWData2 ; write next character
LPTWData8: mov ah,S_DONE ; status OK
ret ; return from interrupt
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Device interrupt service - LPT output status
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; OUTPUT: AX = status word
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Get LPT output status
LPTWState: mov ah,2 ; AH <- function code
call LPTFnc ; call LPT function
jc LPTWDataERR ; error
; ------------- Test if output is ready
and ah,80h ; is output ready?
jnz LPTWData8 ; printer is ready
mov ah,S_DONE+S_BUSY; status - device not ready
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; LPT function with test state
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AH = function code
; DS = data segment
; OUTPUT: AL = error code
; CY = error
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LPTFnc: mov dx,[DevInx] ; DX <- number of LPT port
int 17h ; call LPT service
mov al,ERR_READY ; error - not ready
test ah,10h ; is printer on-line?
jz LPTFnc8 ; printer is not on-line
test ah,1 ; is time-out?
jnz LPTFnc8 ; it is time-out
test ah,8 ; is I/O error?
jz LPTFnc9 ; it is OK
mov al,ERR_PAPER ; error - out of paper
test ah,20h ; out of paper?
jnz LPTFnc8 ; is out of paper
inc ax ; error ERR_WRITE - write error
LPTFnc8: stc ; error flag
LPTFnc9: ret