; ============================================================================
; VEGASLOT - Digits
; ============================================================================
DIGITS equ 12 ; digits (0 to 9, 10=space, 11=H)
SPACE equ 10 ; index of SPACE digit
DOT equ 11 ; index of DOT digit
BANKDIG equ 4 ; digits of BANK
WINDIG equ 3 ; digits of WIN
BETDIG equ 1 ; digits of BET
CREDDIG equ 4 ; digits of CREDIT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init offsets of digits
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
InitDigOff: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
push si ; push SI
push di ; push DI
; ------------- Init offsets of digits
mov cx,[DigitT] ; top coordinate of digits
mov bx,[DigitL] ; left coordinate of first digit
mov di,DigOff+4*SPACE; pointer to offsets of digit " "
call InitDig1 ; init offset of " "
mov di,DigOff ; pointer to offsets of digits
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "0"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "1"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "2"
add bx,[DigitW] ; left coordinate of "3"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "3"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "4"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "5"
add bx,[DigitW] ; left coordinate of "6"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "6"
add bx,[DigitW] ; left coordinate of "7"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "7"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "8"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "9"
add di,4 ; pointer to offset of digit "H"
call InitDig1 ; init offset of "H"
; ------------- Pop registers
pop di ; pop DI
pop si ; pop SI
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init offsets of one digit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: BX = X coordinate of digit
; CX = Y coordinate of digit
; DI = pointer of offset of digit
; DS = data segment
; OUTPUT: BX = X coordinate of next digit
; DI = pointer of offset of next digit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
InitDig1: call CalcSrc ; calculate offset of digit
mov [di],si ; offset LOW of digit
mov [di+2],ax ; offset HIGH of digit
add di,4 ; increase pointer of offset
add bx,[DigitW] ; X coordinate of next digit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Draw credit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DrawCredit: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
; ------------- Draw number
mov ax,[Credit] ; AX <- value of credit
cmp ax,9999 ; check maximal credit
jbe DrawCredit2 ; credit is OK
mov ax,9999 ; limit credit value
DrawCredit2: mov bx,40bh ; BH <- 4 digits, BL <- 11 position
call DrawNum ; draw number
; ------------- Pop registers
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Draw bet
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DrawBet: push ax ; push AX
; ------------- Draw number
mov al,[Bet] ; AX <- value of bet
cmp al,0 ; is it valid game?
jne DrawBet1 ; it is valid game
mov al,10 ; space for no credit
jmp short DrawBet2 ; display bet
DrawBet1: cmp al,6 ; is it HIGH game?
jb DrawBet2 ; it is LOW game
mov al,11 ; code for HIGH game
DrawBet2: cmp word [Bonus],0 ; is it bonus game?
je DrawBet3 ; it is normal game
mov al,0 ; number for bonus game
DrawBet3: call DrawBetChar ; draw bet character
; ------------- Pop registers
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Draw bet character
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AL = character to draw on Bet field
; DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DrawBetChar: push bx ; push BX
mov bx,109h ; BH <- 1 digit, BL <- 9 position
call DrawNum ; draw number
pop bx ; pop BX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Draw win
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DrawWin: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
; ------------- Draw number
mov ax,[Win] ; AX <- value of win
mov bx,305h ; BH <- 3 digits, BL <- 5 position
call DrawNum ; draw number
; ------------- Pop registers
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Draw bank
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DrawBank: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
; ------------- Draw number
mov ax,[Bank] ; AX <- value of bank
cmp ax,9999 ; check maximal bank
jbe DrawBank2 ; bank is OK
mov ax,9999 ; limit bank value
DrawBank2: mov bx,400h ; BH <- 4 digits, BL <- 0 position
call DrawNum ; draw number
; ------------- Pop registers
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Draw number
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AX = number (or character)
; BL = position of first digit
; BH = digits (1=print number as character)
; DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DrawNum: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
push si ; push SI
; ------------- Number of digits -> CX
mov cl,bh ; CL <- digits
mov ch,0 ; CX = digits
; ------------- Calculate X coordinate of last digit -> BX
push ax ; push AX
mov ax,[DigitW] ; width of one digit
mov bh,0 ; BX = position of first digit
add bx,cx ; BX = position behing digits
dec bx ; BX <- position of last digit
mul bx ; AX <- offset of last digit
add ax,[DigitL] ; AX <- X coordinate of last digit
xchg ax,bx ; BX <- X coordinate of last digit
pop ax ; pop AX
; ------------- Immediate print character for bet
cmp cl,1 ; is it bet?
je DrawNum4 ; print bet character
; ------------- Decode number
mov si,10 ; SI <- 10 divider
DrawNum2: xor dx,dx ; DX <- 0 (number HIGH)
div si ; DX <- calc last significant digit
; ------------- Substitute zero with space if there is no other digit
or dx,dx ; is it zero digit?
jnz DrawNum3 ; it is not zero digit
or ax,ax ; remains any number?
jnz DrawNum3 ; remains any number
mov dl,SPACE ; substitute with space
; ------------- Draw digit
DrawNum3: xchg ax,dx ; AL <- digit, DX <- number
DrawNum4: call DrawDigit ; draw one digit
xchg ax,dx ; AX <- number
sub bx,[DigitW] ; BX <- X coordinate of prev char
loop DrawNum2 ; draw next digit
; ------------- Pop registers
pop si ; pop SI
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Draw one digit character
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AL = digit (0 to 9, 10=space, 11=dot)
; BX = X coordinate
; DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DrawDigit: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
push si ; push SI
push di ; push DI
; ------------- Prepare destination offset (-> DX:DI)
mov cx,[DigitT] ; top coordinate of digits
call CalcDest ; calculate destination offset
; ------------- Prepare source offset (-> AX:SI)
mov ah,0 ; AX = digit
shl ax,1 ; digit * 2
shl ax,1 ; digit * 4
xchg ax,si ; SI <- digit * 4
mov ax,[DigOff+si+2]; offset of digit HIGH
mov si,[DigOff+si] ; offset of digit LOW
; ------------- Draw digit
mov bx,[DigitW] ; length of line
mov cx,[DigitH] ; height of one digit
DrawDigit2: call DrawLine ; draw line of digit
loop DrawDigit2 ; draw next line of digit
; ------------- Pop registers
pop di ; pop DI
pop si ; pop SI
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Digits
DigitW: dw 0 ; width of one digit
DigitH: dw 0 ; height of one digit
DigitL: dw 0 ; left coordinate of first digit
DigitT: dw 0 ; top coordinate od digits
BankL: dw 0 ; left coordinate of BANK
WinL: dw 0 ; left coordinate of WIN
BetL: dw 0 ; left coordinate of BET
CredL: dw 0 ; left coordinate of CREDIT
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Uninitialized data (60 KB area in place of VGA graphics)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Offsets of digits (0 to 9, 10=space, 11=H)
DigOff: resd DIGITS ; offset of digits