; ============================================================================
; ============================================================================
; ------------- Key indexes
KEYTOSS equ 0 ; index of Toss key
KEYCREDIT equ 1 ; index if Credit key
KEYCASH equ 2 ; index of Cash key
KEYSTART equ 3 ; index of Start key
KEYBET equ 4 ; index of Bet key
KEYNUM equ 5 ; number of keys
; ------------- Structure of key descriptor
struc KeyItem
key_src resd 1 ; source offset of key
key_dst resd 1 ; destination offset of key
key_width resw 1 ; width of key
key_enabled resb 1 ; 1=key is enabled
resb 1 ; ...align
KEYITEM_SIZE equ 12 ; size of KeyItem structure
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init key descriptors
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
KeyInit: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push dx ; push DX
push si ; push SI
push di ; push DI
; ------------- Prepare height of key
mov ax,36 ; height in 1280x960
mul word [ScreenH] ; height * height of screen
mov bx,960 ; BX <- prototypal videomode Y
div bx ; calculate Y coordinate of key
mov [KeyHeight],ax ; store key height
; ------------- Prepare pointers
mov si,Keys ; SI <- table of key descriptors
; ------------- Toss key
mov ax,302 ; X coordinate of key
mov bx,876 ; Y coordinate of key
mov di,258 ; width of key
call Key1Init ; init key descriptor
; ------------- Credit key
mov ax,568 ; X coordinate of key
mov di,408 ; width of key
call Key1Init ; init key descriptor
; ------------- Cash key
mov ax,306 ; X coordinate of key
mov bx,912 ; Y coordinate of key
mov di,172 ; width of key
call Key1Init ; init key descriptor
; ------------- Start key
mov ax,486 ; X coordinate of key
mov di,300 ; width of key
call Key1Init ; init key descriptor
; ------------- Bet key
mov ax,792 ; X coordinate of key
mov di,184 ; width of key
call Key1Init ; init key descriptor
; ------------- Pop registers
pop di ; pop DI
pop si ; pop SI
pop dx ; pop DX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init of one key descriptor
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AX = X coordinate of key in 1280x960
; BX = Y coordinate of key in 1280x960
; DI = width of key in 1280x960
; DS:SI = key descriptor
; OUTPUT: DS:SI = next key descriptor
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
Key1Init: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
push di ; push DI
; ------------- X coordinate of key
mul word [ScreenW] ; X coordinate * width of screen
mov cx,1280 ; CX <- prototypal videomode X
div cx ; calculate X coordinate of key
xchg ax,bx ; BX <- X coordinate, AX <- Y coord.
; ------------- Y coordinate of key
mul word [ScreenH] ; Y coordinate * height of screen
mov cx,960 ; CX <- prototypal videomode Y
div cx ; calculate Y coordinate of key
xchg ax,cx ; CX <- Y coordinate of key
; ------------- Width of key
mov ax,1280 ; AX <- prototypal videomode X
xchg ax,di ; AX <- width of key, DI <- prot. X
mul word [ScreenW] ; width * width of screen
div di ; calculate width of key
mov [si+key_width],ax ; store width of key
; ------------- Calculate source offset
push si ; push SI
call CalcSrc ; calculate source offset
mov dx,si ; DX <- source offset LOW
pop si ; pop SI
mov [si+key_src],dx ; store source offset LOW
mov [si+key_src+2],ax ; store source offset HIGH
; ------------- Calculate destination offset
call CalcDest ; calculate destination offset
mov [si+key_dst],di ; store destination offset LOW
mov [si+key_dst+2],dx ; store destination offset HIGH
; ------------- Prepare flag - key enabled
mov byte [si+key_enabled],1 ; key is enabled
; ------------- Next key descriptor
add si,KEYITEM_SIZE ; SI <- address of next key descriptor
; ------------- Pop registers
pop di ; pop DI
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set state of all keys
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
SetKeys: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push bp ; push BP
; ------------- Prepare registers
mov bp,Keys ; key descriptors
; ------------- Toss/Bank key
mov al,0 ; state - key is disabled
cmp byte [cs:Turning],1 ; are reels turning?
je SetKeyToss ; reels are turning
cmp byte [cs:Risking],1 ; is risk now?
jne SetKeyToss4 ; it is not risk
test byte [cs:AutoStartTime],20h ; is toss shining?
jz SetKeyToss ; toss is not shining
SetKeyToss4: mov al,1 ; state - key is enabled
SetKeyToss: call SetKey ; set key state
; ------------- Credit key
mov al,0 ; state - key is disabled
cmp byte [cs:Turning],1 ; are reels turning?
je SetKeyCredit ; reels are turning
cmp byte [cs:Tossing],1 ; is it tossing?
je SetKeyCredit ; it is tossing
cmp byte [cs:Risking],1 ; is risk now?
jne SetKeyCredit4 ; it is not risk
test byte [cs:AutoStartTime],20h ; is credit shining?
jnz SetKeyCredit ; credit is not shining
SetKeyCredit4: mov al,1 ; state - key is enabled
SetKeyCredit: call SetKey ; set key state
; ------------- Cash key
mov al,0 ; state - key is disabled
cmp byte [cs:Turning],1 ; are reels turning?
je SetKeyCash ; reels are turning
cmp word [cs:Bank],0 ; is any bank to transfer?
jne SetKeyCash2 ; is any bank to transfer
cmp word [cs:Credit],0 ; is any credit to cash?
je SetKeyCash ; there is no credit to cash
SetKeyCash2: cmp byte [cs:Tossing],1 ; is it tossing?
je SetKeyCash ; it is tossing
cmp byte [cs:Risking],1 ; is risk now?
je SetKeyCash ; it is risk
mov al,1 ; state - key is enabled
SetKeyCash: call SetKey ; set key state
; ------------- Start key
mov al,0 ; state - key is disabled
cmp word [cs:Bonus],0 ; is it bonus game?
jne SetKeyStart2 ; it is bonus game
cmp word [cs:Credit],0 ; is it any credit?
je SetKeyStart ; there is no credit
SetKeyStart2: cmp byte [cs:Risking],1 ; is risk now?
jne SetKeyStart4 ; it is not risk
cmp byte [cs:RiskEnable],1 ; is risk enabled?
jne SetKeyStart ; risk is not enabled
mov ah,[cs:AutoStartTime] ; risk timer
and ah,30h ; AH <- timer value
jz SetKeyStart ; start is not shining
cmp ah,30h ; is start shining?
je SetKeyStart ; start is not shining
SetKeyStart4: cmp byte [cs:AutoStart],1 ; is it AutoStart?
jne SetKeyStart8 ; it is not AutoStart
test byte [cs:AutoStartTime],10h ; test blink state
jz SetKeyStart ; it is dark state
SetKeyStart8: mov al,1 ; state - key is enabled
SetKeyStart: call SetKey ; set key state
; ------------- Bet key
mov al,0 ; state - key is disabled
cmp byte [cs:Turning],1 ; are reels turning?
je SetKeyBet ; reels are turning
cmp word [cs:Credit],1 ; is any credit?
jbe SetKeyBet ; too low credit
cmp byte [cs:Tossing],1 ; is it tossing?
je SetKeyBet ; it is tossing
cmp byte [cs:Risking],1 ; is risk now?
je SetKeyBet ; it is risk
mov al,1 ; state - key is enabled
SetKeyBet: call SetKey ; set key state
; ------------- Pop registers
pop bp ; pop BP
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set state of one key
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AL = new state of key
; CS:BP = key descriptor
; OUTPUT: CS:BP = next key descriptor
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetKey: cmp al,[cs:bp+key_enabled] ; changes state?
je SetKey2 ; state don't changes
mov [cs:bp+key_enabled],al ; store new key state
call DrawKey ; redraw key
SetKey2: add bp,KEYITEM_SIZE ; BP <- next key descriptor
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Display all keys
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DrawKeys: push cx ; push CX
push bp ; push BP
; ------------- Draw one key
mov cx,KEYNUM ; CX <- number of keys
mov bp,Keys ; BP <- key descriptors
DrawKeys2: call DrawKey ; draw one key
add bp,KEYITEM_SIZE ; BP <- next key descriptor
loop DrawKeys2 ; draw next key
; ------------- Pop registers
pop bp ; pop BP
pop cx ; pop CX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Display one key
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: CS:BP = key descriptor
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DrawKey: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
push si ; push SI
push di ; push DI
push bp ; push BP
; ------------- Prepare registers
mov si,[cs:bp+key_src] ; source offset LOW
mov ax,[cs:bp+key_src+2] ; source offset HIGH
mov di,[cs:bp+key_dst] ; destination offset LOW
mov dx,[cs:bp+key_dst+2] ; destination offset HIGH
mov bx,[cs:bp+key_width] ; width of key
mov cx,[cs:KeyHeight] ; height of key
; ------------- Test, if it is enabled
cmp byte [cs:bp+key_enabled],1 ; is it enabled?
jne DrawKey4 ; key is disabled
; ------------- Draw key enabled
DrawKey2: call DrawLine ; draw one line
loop DrawKey2 ; draw next line
jmp short DrawKey6 ; end
; ------------- Draw key disabled
DrawKey4: mov bp,DarkTab+3*256 ; dark table
DrawKey5: call DrawDark ; draw one dark line
loop DrawKey5 ; draw next line
; ------------- Pop registers
DrawKey6: pop bp ; pop BP
pop di ; pop DI
pop si ; pop SI
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoStart: db 0 ; 1=autostart
AutoStartTime: db 0 ; autostart and risk blinking time
KeyHeight: dw 0 ; height of key help
; ------------- Cash key
KeyCashSrc: dw 0 ; source offset of Cash key
KeyCashDst: dw 0 ; destination offset of Cash key
KeyCashWidth: dw 0 ; width of Cash key
KeyCashEnable: db 0 ; 1=Cash key is enabled
; ------------- Toss key
KeyTossSrc: dw 0 ; source offset of Cash key
KeyTossDst: dw 0 ; destination offset of Cash key
KeyTossWidth: dw 0 ; width of Cash key
KeyTossEnable: db 0 ; 1=Cash key is enabled
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Uninitialized data (60 KB area in place of VGA graphics)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Keys: resb KEYNUM*KEYITEM_SIZE ; key descriptors