; ============================================================================
; VEGASLOT - Slot Machine Game
; This program requires no system. It can be loaded with linear boot sector.
; ============================================================================
;%define NOVESA ; uncomment this for test VGA graphic
;%define DEBUG ; uncomment this to print DEBUG
;%define FAST ; uncomment this to fast turning
;%define NOSOUND ; uncomment this to disable sound
; ------------- Constants
StackSize equ 0x2000 ; stack size (paragraph aligned)
; ------------- EXE file header
org 0
%ifdef DOS
EXEStart: db 4Dh,5Ah ; EXE file signature
dw AllocSize % 512
dw (AllocSize + 511) / 512
dw 0 ; number of relocation entries
dw EXEHead/16 ; header size in paragraphs
dw StackSize/16+4 ; min extra memory
dw StackSize/16+4 ; max extra memory
dw AllocSize/16 ; initial SS
dw StackSize ; initial SP
dw 0 ; checksum
dw Start ; initial IP
dw -EXEHead/16 ; initial CS
dw 0 ; file offset of the relocation table
dw 0 ; overlay number
align 16,db 0
EXEHead equ (EXEEnd - EXEStart) ; EXE head size
EXEHead equ 0
; ------------- Macros
%include "MACROS.ASM" ; macros
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Start of program at 0080:0000 (or CS:0020 in case of EXE program)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Identification
Start: jmp Init
Ident dw 8A25h ; identification word
; ------------- Init segments
Init: cli ; disable interrupts
mov ax,cs ; AX <- program segment
mov ds,ax ; DS <- program segment
add ax,(Graphics - Start + EXEHead)/16 ; add code size
mov [GraphSeg],ax ; segment with VGA graphics
mov word [GraphOff],BMPData ; offset with VGA graphics
add ax,DataSize/16 ; add graphics size
mov ss,ax ; SS <- stack segment
mov sp,StackSize ; SP <- end of stack
sti ; enable interrupts
; ------------- Init random generator
call RandomInit ; init random generator
; ------------- Install new interrupt handlers
call IntInit ; install interrupt handlers
; ------------- Push old videomode
mov ah,0fh ; AH <- function code
call Int10 ; call Int 10h interrupt
mov [OldVMode],al ; store old video mode
; ------------- Init Graphics
call InitGraph ; init graphics
jnc GameStart ; game start
; ------------- Error, quit program
mov ah,0 ; AH <- function code
mov al,[OldVMode] ; AL <- old video mode
call Int10 ; call Int 10h interrupt
; ------------- No VGA, display error message
mov si,ErrorNoVGA ; error text - cannot find VGA card
call DispText ; display error message
; ------------- Wait for a key press
call InChar ; input character from keyboard
; ------------- End program/Repeat booting
Quit: call IntTerm ; deinstall interrupt handlers
%ifdef DOS
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
int 19h ; repeat booting
; ------------- Game init
GameStart: call GameInit ; game init
jmp NextKey ; jey input
; ------------- Find next turn
NextTurn: mov dl,[WinLines] ; number of win lines
call GetPos ; get new reel position
DebugPosition bx ; debug display position
DebugMode ; debug display winning mode
; ------------- Flag, that it is HIGH game
mov byte [LastHigh],0 ; flag, it is not HIGH game
cmp word [BetBank],0; is it HIGH game?
je Turn1 ; it is not HIGH game
mov byte [LastHigh],1 ; flag, it is HIGH game
; ------------- Subtract bet
Turn1: call SubBet ; subtract bet
DebugGameIn ; debug display Game-In
DebugGameProfit ; debug display Profit
; ------------- Turn reels
push dx ; push DX
mov dl,111b ; direction down
cmp word [Bonus],0 ; is it bonus game?
je Turn2 ; it is normal game
mov dl,0 ; direction up for bonus game
Turn2: mov dh,1 ; whole turns
call TurnReels ; animation
pop dx
; ------------- Test win
call TestSymbol ; test symbols
call GetPrize ; get prize of win
or ax,ax ; is any win?
jnz Win2 ; it is a win
jmp NextKey ; it is not win
; ------------- Calculate HIGH game
Win2: cmp word [Bonus],0 ; is it bonus game?
jne Win3 ; it is bonus game
cmp byte [LastHigh],1; is it HIGH game?
jne Win3 ; it is not HIGH game
mov dx,4 ; multiple for HIGH game
mul dx ; AX <- win for HIGH game
; ------------- Limit win
Win3: cmp ax,MAXWIN ; maximal win for bonus game
jbe Win4 ; win is OK
add [Bonus],ax ; push bonus
mov ax,MAXWIN ; limit win
call DrawBet ; draw new bet
; ------------- Win indication and transfer win to bank (BX=reels, AX=win)
Win4: call WinInd ; win indication
; ------------- Substract win from bonus
cmp word [Bonus],0 ; is it bonus game?
je Win5 ; it is not bonus game
sub [Bonus],ax ; decrease remaining bonus
ja Win5 ; remains some bonus
mov word [Bonus],0 ; no bonus remains
call DrawBet ; draw new bet
; ------------- Count debug Game-Out
%ifdef DEBUG
add [GameOut],ax ; add debug Game-Out
DebugGameOut ; debug display Game-Out
DebugGameProfit ; debug display Profit
; ------------- Risk (AX=win)
call DoRisk ; risk and transfer win
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard buffer
; ------------- Wait for key input
NextKey: DebugBonus ; debug display bonus
call SetKeys ; set state of all keys
cmp byte [AutoStart],1 ; is it AutoStart?
jne NextKey5 ; it is not AutoStart
call TestChar ; test character
jc KeyStart2 ; no character, AutoStart
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard
mov byte [AutoStart],0 ; set autostart off
call SetKeys ; set state of all keys
NextKey5: call InChar ; input character from keyboard
; Key control:
; Tab=Toss/Bank <-BS=Refill/Credit
; Esc=Cash Space=Start/Auto Enter=Bet
; ------------- Tab: Toss or Bank
KeyToss: cmp al,9 ; is it Tab character?
jne KeyRefill ; it is not Tab character
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard
call DoToss ; toss service
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard buffer
jmp short NextKey ; input next character
; ------------- BS: Refill or credit
KeyRefill: cmp al,8 ; is it BS character?
jne KeyCash ; it is not BS character
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard
mov ax,RefillSound ; AX <- refill sound
call PlaySound ; play sound
mov ax,10 ; add credit
call SetCredit ; set new credit
KeyRefill9: jmp short NextKey ; input new character
; ------------- Esc: Cash or Quit
KeyCash: cmp al,27 ; is it Esc character?
jne KeyStart ; it is not Esc character
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard
call DoCash ; cash service
%ifdef DOS
jnc KeyRefill9 ; input next character
mov ah,0 ; AH <- function code
mov al,[OldVMode] ; AL <- old video mode
call Int10 ; call Int 10h interrupt
jmp Quit ; quit the program
jmp short KeyRefill9; input next character
; ------------- Space: Next turn
KeyStart: cmp al,32 ; is it Space?
jne KeyBet ; it is not Space
call TestChar ; is next character?
jc KeyStart2 ; it is not next character
call InChar ; AX <- input next character
cmp al,32 ; is it Space?
jne KeyStart2 ; it is not Space
mov byte [AutoStart],1 ; set autostart on
KeyStart2: call FlushChar ; flush keyboard buffer
cmp word [Bonus],0 ; is it bonus game?
jne KeyStart4 ; it is bonus game
mov al,[Bet] ; current bet
cmp al,0 ; is any bet?
je KeyRefill9 ; there is no credit
KeyStart4: jmp NextTurn ; next turn
; ------------- Enter: Bet
KeyBet cmp al,13 ; is it Enter character?
jne KeyBet8 ; it is not Enter character
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard
cmp word [Bonus],0 ; is it bonus game?
jne KeyBet8 ; it is bonus game
mov ax,BetSound ; AX <- bet sound
call PlaySound ; play sound
mov al,[Bet] ; AL <- current bet
mov ah,al ; AH <- push current bet
KeyBet2: inc ax ; increase bet
cmp al,6 ; is it max. bet?
jbe KeyBet3 ; bet is OK
mov al,1 ; overflow to 1
KeyBet3: call SetBet ; set new bet
cmp ah,[Bet] ; did bet change?
jne KeyBet8 ; bet changed
cmp al,ah ; is it original bet?
jne KeyBet2 ; try next bet
KeyBet8: jmp NextKey ; input new character
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Game init
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
GameInit: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
; ------------- Set typematic rate key generation
mov ax,305h ; AX <- function code
mov bx,104h ; BL <- rate 20, BH <- delay 500ms
int 16h ; set typematic rate
; ------------- Game init
call DispGraph ; display background image
call RedrawReels ; redraw all reels
call DrawCredit ; draw credit
call DrawBet ; draw bet
call DrawWin ; draw win
call DrawBank ; draw bank
mov al,11111b ; switch all bulbs on
call SetBulbs ; set bulbs
; ------------- Display debug informations
DebugPosition 0 ; debug display position
DebugMode ; debug display winning mode
DebugGameIn ; debug display Game-In
DebugGameOut ; debug display Game-Out
DebugGameProfit ; debug display Profit
; ------------- Key init
call KeyInit ; key init
call DrawKeys ; draw keys
; ------------- Pop registers
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Cash service
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; OUTPUT: CY = quit the program (only if DOS mode)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DoCash: push ax ; push AX
; ------------- Transfer Bank to Credit
mov ax,[Bank] ; AX <- current bank value
or ax,ax ; is there any bank to transfer?
jz DoCash5 ; there is no bank to transfer
cmp ax,100 ; test maximal value to transfer
jbe DoCash2 ; there is less than maximum
mov ax,100 ; limit maximal value
DoCash2: call SetCredit ; set new credit
neg ax ; negative value
call SetBank ; set new bank
jmp short DoCash8
; ------------- Cash money from Credit
DoCash5: mov ax,[Credit] ; AX <- current credit value
or ax,ax ; is any credit to cash?
stc ; flag - quit the program
jz DoCash9 ; it is no credit
cmp ax,100 ; maximal value
jbe DoCash6 ; there is less than maximum
mov ax,100 ; limit maximal value
DoCash6: neg ax ; negative value
call SetCredit ; set new credit
; ------------- Play cash sound
DoCash8: mov ax,CashSound ; AX <- cash sound
call PlaySound ; play sound
clc ; flag - no quit
; ------------- Pop registers
DoCash9: pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Toss service
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DoToss: push ax ; push AX
push cx ; push CX
; ------------- Play toss sound
mov ax,TossSound ; AX <- toss sound
call PlaySound ; play toss sound
; ------------- Start toss mode
mov byte [Tossing],1 ; set toss mode on
mov byte [AutoStart],0 ; set autostart off
; ------------- Test, if there is enough credit
DoToss1: mov ax,[BetCredit] ; AX <- bet from credit
or ax,ax ; is any bet?
jz DoToss12 ; there is no bet
cmp ax,[Credit] ; is there enough credit?
jbe DoToss2 ; it is enough credit
DoToss12: jmp DoToss9 ; low credit, stop tossing
; ------------- Minimal time of one game
DoToss2: mov cx,16 ; minimal time 0.8 sec
; ------------- Flush keys (not in AutoStart mode)
cmp byte [AutoStart],1 ; is it AutoStart?
je DoToss3 ; it is AutoStart
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard buffer
; ------------- Redraw keys (due to Autostart blinking)
DoToss3: call SetKeys ; set keys
; ------------- Draw random number in Bet field
call Random ; AX <- random generator
and al,7 ; AL = value 0 to 7
inc ax ; AL = value 1 to 8
call DrawBetChar ; draw bet character
; ------------- Short delay (50 msec about)
mov ax,7 ; time to wait
call WaitTime ; wait for a short time
; ------------- Minimal time of one game
jcxz DoToss4 ; minimal time is OK
loop DoToss3 ; next waiting
; ------------- Test, if a key is pressed
DoToss4: call TestChar ; test character
jnc DoToss42 ; there is any character
; ------------- AutoStart service
cmp byte [AutoStart],1 ; is it AutoStart?
je DoToss5 ; AutoStart
jmp short DoToss3 ; no character was pressed
; ------------- Input character
DoToss42: call InChar ; AX <- input character
; ------------- Space: Toss next value
cmp al,32 ; is it Space?
jne DoToss8 ; it is not Space
mov byte [AutoStart],0 ; set autostart off
; ------------- Test autostart on (more spaces during minimal time)
call TestChar ; is next character?
jc DoToss5 ; it is not next character
call InChar ; AX <- input next character
cmp al,32 ; is it Space?
jne DoToss5 ; it is not Space
mov byte [AutoStart],1 ; set autostart on
call FlushChar ; flush keyboard buffer
; ------------- Subtract credits
DoToss5: mov ax,[BetCredit] ; AX <- bet from credit
neg ax ; AX = -credit
call SetCredit ; set new credit
; ------------- Draw random number in Bet field
call Random ; AX <- random generator
and al,7 ; AL = value 0 to 7
inc ax ; AL = value 1 to 8
call DrawBetChar ; draw bet character
; ------------- Test, if there is a win (=even number)
test al,1 ; is it win?
jz DoToss6 ; it is a win
; ------------- It is loss (odd number)
mov ax,TossLossSound ; sound of loss
call PlaySound ; play sound
xor ax,ax ; AX <- 0
jmp short DoToss7 ; set win
; ------------- It is win (even number)
DoToss6: mov ax,TossWinSound ; sound of win
call PlaySound ; play sound
mov ax,[BetCredit] ; AX <- bet from credit
shl ax,1 ; AX <- double
call SetBank ; add win to bank
; ------------- Display win
DoToss7: call SetWin ; set win
mov cx,10 ; number of loops
DoToss72: call SetKeys ; set keys
mov ax,7 ; delay (50 msec about)
call WaitTime ; wait for a short time
loop DoToss72 ; next wait
xor ax,ax ; AX <- 0
call SetWin ; clear win
jmp DoToss1 ; next toss
; ------------- Tab: Stop tossing
DoToss8: cmp al,9 ; is it Tab character?
je DoToss9 ; Tab character, stop tossing
jmp DoToss3 ; it is not Tab character
; ------------- Flush Tab keys
DoToss9: call FlushChar ; flush keyboard buffer
; ------------- Play toss sound
mov ax,TossSound ; AX <- toss sound
call PlaySound ; play toss sound
; ------------- Stop toss mode
mov byte [AutoStart],0 ; set autostart off
mov byte [Tossing],0 ; set toss mode off
call SetKeys ; set keys
; ------------- Redraw valid bet value
call DrawBet ; draw valid bet value
; ------------- Pop registers
pop cx ; pop CX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Subtract bet
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
SubBet: push ax ; push AX
; ------------- Is it bonus game?
cmp word [Bonus],0 ; is it bonus game?
jne SubBet2 ; it is bonus game
; ------------- Subtract bet from credits
mov ax,[BetCredit] ; bet from credits
%ifdef DEBUG
add [GameIn],ax ; add debug Game-In
neg ax ; AX = -credit
call SetCredit ; set new credit
; ------------- Subtract bet from bank
mov ax,[BetBank] ; bet from bank
%ifdef DEBUG
add [GameIn],ax ; add debug Game-In
neg ax ; AX = -bank
call SetBank ; set new bank
; ------------- Pop registers
SubBet2: pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Win indication
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AX = win
; BX = reel position
; DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
WinInd: push ax ; push AX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
push bp ; push BP
; ------------- Play win sound
push ax ; push AX
mov ax,WinSound ; win sound
call PlaySound ; play win sound
pop ax ; pop AX
; ------------- Prepare wining lines (-> DH)
mov dl,11111b ; DL <- winning lines mask
mov cl,5 ; CL <- max. winning lines
sub cl,[WinLines] ; CL <- complement to max.
shr dl,cl ; DL <- winning lines mask
call TestSymbol ; test winning symbol
and dh,dl ; mask real winning lines
; ------------- Win blinking
mov cx,8 ; CX <- number of blinks
WinInd2: push ax ; push AX (win)
call SetWin ; set win
mov al,dh ; AL <- winning lines
call SetBulbs ; set winning bulbs
%ifndef FAST
mov ax,7 ; 50 ms about
call WaitTime ; wait for a short time
xor ax,ax ; AX <- 0
call SetWin ; set win to 0
call SetBulbs ; switch all bulbs off
%ifndef FAST
mov ax,7 ; 50 ms about
call WaitTime ; wait for a short time
pop ax ; pop AX (win)
loop WinInd2 ; next blink
mov al,11111b ; AL <- all bulbs on
call SetBulbs ; switch all bulbs on
; ------------- Pop registers
pop bp ; pop BP
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Risk
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AX = win
; DS = data segment
; DESTROY: AX (win is invalid)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DoRisk: push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
push di ; push DI
; ------------- AutoStart
cmp byte [AutoStart],1 ; is AutoStart?
jne DoRisk1 ; it is not AutoStart
xor di,di ; no win reamins
mov dl,1 ; transfer to bank
call WinTrans ; transfer win to bank
jmp DoRisk9 ; return
; ------------- Set risk flag
DoRisk1: mov byte [Risking],1 ; set flag of risk inprogress
call SetKeys ; set state of all keys
; ------------- Push current win
xchg ax,di ; BX <- current win
; ------------- It is not second half of win
DoRisk2: mov byte [RiskHalf],0 ; it is not second half of win
; ------------- Test, if it is any win
DoRisk22: or di,di ; is any win?
jz DoRisk9 ; there is no win
; ------------- Test if risk start is enabled
mov byte [RiskEnable],1 ; risk is enabled
cmp di,MAXWIN/2 ; can we do risk?
jbe DoRisk3 ; we can do risk
mov byte [RiskEnable],0 ; risk is disabled
; ------------- Display new win value or clear
DoRisk3: mov ax,di ; AX <- current win
test byte [AutoStartTime],20h ; test blink win
jz DoRisk4 ; win is shining
xor ax,ax ; AX <- clear win
DoRisk4: call SetWin ; display current win
; ------------- Display key state
call SetKeys ; set state of all keys
; ------------- Test and input key
call TestChar ; test character
jc DoRisk3 ; there is no character
call InChar ; input character
; ------------- Bank key
mov dl,1 ; transfer to bank
cmp al,9 ; is it bank?
je DoRisk5 ; it is bank
; ------------- Credit key
cmp al,8 ; is it credit?
jne DoRisk7 ; it is not credit
mov dl,0 ; transfer to credit
; ------------- Do win transfer
DoRisk5: mov ax,di ; AX <- current win
cmp byte [RiskHalf],1 ; is half risk?
je DoRisk6 ; it is half risk
cmp ax,10 ; minimal value
jbe DoRisk6 ; it is too low value
shr ax,1 ; AX <- half risk
mov byte [RiskHalf],1 ; it is half risk
DoRisk6: sub di,ax ; decrease remainging risk
call WinTrans ; transfer win to bank or to credit
jmp short DoRisk22 ; continue
; ------------- Start key
DoRisk7: cmp al,32 ; is it start?
jne DoRisk3 ; it is not start
cmp byte [RiskEnable],1 ; is risk enabled?
jne DoRisk3 ; risk is not enabled
; ------------- Risk
call Random ; random generator
test ax,1 ; is win?
jz DoRisk8 ; is lost
; ------------- Risk win
mov ax,RiskWinSound ; AX <- risk win sound
call PlaySound ; play sound
shl di,1 ; double win
jmp short DoRisk2 ; next risk
; ------------- Risk loss
DoRisk8: mov ax,RiskLostSound ; AX <- risk lost sound
call PlaySound ; play sound
shr di,1 ; half win
cmp di,10 ; minimal win
jb DoRisk9 ; lost all win
jmp DoRisk2 ; next risk
; ------------- Stop risk
DoRisk9: xor ax,ax ; AX <- 0 no win remains
call SetWin ; clear win
; ------------- Reset risk flag
mov byte [Risking],0 ; reset flag of risk in progress
call SetKeys ; set state of all keys
; ------------- Pop registers
pop di ; pop DI
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Transfer win to bank or to credit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AX = win
; DL = 1 to bank, 0 to credit
; DI = remaining win
; DS = data segment
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
WinTrans: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
; ------------- Play trasnfer sound
push ax ; push AX
mov ax,TransSound ; AX <- transfer sound
call PlaySound ; play sound
pop ax ; pop AX
; ------------- Prepare value for one transfer (-> BX)
mov bx,2 ; transfer 2 in one step
cmp ax,20 ; is it 20 or less?
jbe WinTrans2 ; it is 20 or less
mov bl,5 ; transfer 5 in one step
cmp ax,50 ; is it 50 or less?
jbe WinTrans2 ; it is 50 or less
mov bl,10 ; transfer 10 in one step
cmp ax,100 ; is it 100 or less?
jbe WinTrans2 ; it is 100 or less
mov bl,20 ; transfer 20 in one step
cmp ax,200 ; is it 200 or less?
jbe WinTrans2 ; it is 200 or less
mov bl,50 ; transfer 50 in one step
WinTrans2: xchg ax,cx ; CX <- remainging value
; ------------- Transfer win to bank or to credit
WinTrans3: mov ax,bx ; AX <- value to transfer
cmp ax,cx ; is it OK?
jbe WinTrans4 ; it is OK
mov ax,cx ; AX <- limit value to transfer
WinTrans4: sub cx,ax ; CX <- decrease win
or dl,dl ; transfer to bank?
jnz WinTrans5 ; transfer to bank
call SetCredit ; add to credit
jmp short WinTrans6
WinTrans5: call SetBank ; add to bank
WinTrans6: mov ax,cx ; AX <- remainging value
add ax,di ; AX <- reaminging win
call SetWin ; decrease win
%ifndef FAST
mov ax,15 ; 100 ms about
call WaitTime ; wait for a short time
or cx,cx ; is it all?
jnz WinTrans3 ; transfer next win
; ------------- Pop registers
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Wait some time
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AX = number of clock ticks (aprox. 7 ms)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
WaitTime: push ax ; push AX
push cx ; push CX
; ------------- Load new time
xchg ax,cx ; CX <- number of ticks
jcxz WaitTime3 ; no waiting
WaitTime1: mov al,[cs:Int08Next] ; next Int 08h counter
; ------------- Wait for next pulse
sti ; set interrupt
WaitTime2: cmp al,[cs:Int08Next] ; is it same pulse?
je WaitTime2 ; wait for clock pulse
; ------------- Next pulse
loop WaitTime1 ; next pulse
; ------------- Pop registers
WaitTime3: pop cx ; pop CX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Input character from keyboard (wait for input)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; OUTPUT: AL = ASCII character
; AH = SCAN code
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
InChar: mov ah,10h ; AH <- function code
int 16h ; input character
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Test character from keyboard
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; OUTPUT: AL = ASCII character (or 0 if no character)
; AH = SCAN code (or 0 if no character)
; CY = no character (then AL,AH=0)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TestChar: mov ah,11h ; AH <- function code
int 16h ; test character
clc ; clear flag - character is ready
jnz TestChar2 ; character is ready
xor ax,ax ; AX <- 0 no character
stc ; set flag - no character
TestChar2: ret
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Flush keyboard buffer
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
FlushChar: push ax ; push AX
; ------------- Flush characters
FlushChar2: call TestChar ; test character from keyboard
jc FlushChar3 ; no character is ready
call InChar ; input character
jmp short FlushChar2 ; flush next character
; ------------- Pop registers
FlushChar3: pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set cursor position
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DL = column
; DH = row
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
SetCursor: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
; ------------- Set cursor position
mov ah,2 ; AH <- 2 function code
mov bh,0 ; page
call Int10 ; call Int 10h
; ------------- Pop registers
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Display number with BIOS
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AX = number
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DispNum: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
; ------------- Convert number to digits
mov bx,10 ; BX <- 10 divider
xor cx,cx ; CX <- 0 counter
DispNum2: xor dx,dx ; DX <- 0 number HIGH
div bx ; divide number with 10
push dx ; push character in DL
inc cx ; increment counter in CX
or ax,ax ; was it last digit?
jnz DispNum2 ; convert next digit
; ------------- Display digits
DispNum3: pop ax ; AL <- digit
add al,"0" ; AL <- convert to character
call DispChar ; display character
loop DispNum3 ; display next digit
; ------------- Pop registers
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Display text with BIOS
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: CS:SI = error message ASCIIZ (ends with zero)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DispText: push ax ; push AX
push si ; push SI
push ds ; push DS
; ------------- Display text
cld ; set direction up
push cs ; push CS
pop ds ; DS <- program segment with texts
DispText2: lodsb ; AL <- load next character from DS:SI
or al,al ; AL == 0? is it end of text?
jz DispText3 ; it is end of text
call DispChar ; display character in AL
jmp short DispText2 ; next character
; ------------- Pop registers
DispText3: pop ds ; pop DS
pop si ; pop SI
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Display one character with BIOS
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AL = character to display
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DispChar: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
; ------------- Display character
mov ah,0eh ; AH <- 0Eh function code
mov bx,7 ; BL <- color of text, BH <- page 0
call Int10 ; call Int 10h
%ifdef DEBUG
mov word [VESAMap],0ffffh ; undefined VESA current page
; ------------- Pop registers
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init random generator
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------ Push registers
RandomInit: push ax ; push AX
push ds ; push DS
; ------------- Init random generator
xor ax,ax ; AX <- 0
mov ds,ax ; DS <- 0
mov ax,[46ch] ; AX <- timer LOW
mov [cs:RandSeed],ax; random seed LOW
mov ax,[46ch+2] ; AX <- timer HIGH
mov [cs:RandSeed+2],ax ; random seed HIGH
; ------------- Pop registers
pop ds ; pop DS
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Random generator
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; OUTPUT: AX = random number
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RandSeed: dd 5623489 ; random seed
RandCoef1: dd 214013 ; random coefficient 1
RandCoef2: dd 2531011 ; random coefficient 2
; General algorithm (new_number = old_number*coef1 + coef2) for the random
; function is taken from interpreted BASIC and is described in Microsoft
; Knowledgebase article Q28150. Other possible coefficients are:
; 214013/2531011, 17405/10395331, 214013/13737667, 214013/10395331
; ------------- Push registers
Random: push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
push ds ; push DS
; ------------- Prepare registers
push cs ; push CS
pop ds ; DS <- CS
; ------------- New random seed (randseed = randseed * coef1 + coef2)
mov ax,[RandSeed] ; AX <- random seed LOW
push ax ; push AX
mul word [RandCoef1]; * coef1 LOW
xchg ax,bx ; BX <- push multiple LOW
mov cx,dx ; CX <- push multiple HIGH
pop ax ; pop AX
mul word [RandCoef1+2] ; * coef HIGH
add cx,ax ; add multiple LOW
mov ax,[RandSeed+2] ; AX <- random seed HIGH
mul word [RandCoef1]; * coef1 LOW
add ax,cx ; AX <- multiple HIGH
add bx,[RandCoef2] ; + coef2 LOW
adc ax,[RandCoef2+2]; + coef2 HIGH
mov [RandSeed],bx ; new random seed LOW
mov [RandSeed+2],ax ; new random seed HIGH
; ------------- Pop registers (AX=new random seed HIGH)
pop ds ; pop DS
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Initialize interrupts
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
IntInit: push ax ; push AX
push dx ; push DX
push ds ; push DS
; ------------- Prepare registers
cli ; disable interrupts
xor ax,ax ; AX <- 0
mov ds,ax ; DS <- 0
; ------------- Install Int 08h handler
mov ax,[8*4] ; old handler LOW
mov [cs:Old08],ax ; save old handler LOW
mov ax,[8*4+2] ; old handler HIGH
mov [cs:Old08+2],ax ; save old handler HIGH
mov word [8*4],Int08; new offset of Int 08h
mov [8*4+2],cs ; new segment of Int 08h
; ------------- Turn off diskette motor
mov dx,3f2h ; floppy control port
mov al,0ch ; AL <- control byte
out dx,al ; turn off diskette motor
and byte [43fh],0f0h ; turn off motor runnings bits
; ------------- Set clock rate to 1/8 (e.g. 1193182/8192=145.652 Hz, 7 ms)
mov al,34h ; AL <- command code
out 43h,al ; set command for rate setting
mov al,0 ; AL <- rate LOW
out 40h,al ; set rate LOW
mov al,32 ; AL <- rate HIGH
out 40h,al ; set rate HIGH
; ------------- Enable interrupts
sti ; enbale interrupts
; ------------- Pop registers
pop ds ; pop DS
pop dx ; pop DX
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Deinitialize interrupts
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
IntTerm: push ax ; push AX
push ds ; push DS
; ------------- Prepare registers
cli ; disable interrupts
xor ax,ax ; AX <- 0
mov ds,ax ; DS <- 0
; ------------- Return clock rate
mov al,34h ; AL <- command code
out 43h,al ; set command for rate setting
mov al,0 ; AL <- rate LOW
out 40h,al ; set rate LOW
out 40h,al ; set rate HIGH
; ------------- Return old Int 08h handler
mov ax,[cs:Old08] ; old handler LOW
mov [8*4],ax ; return old handler LOW
mov ax,[cs:Old08+2] ; old handler HIGH
mov [8*4+2],ax ; return old handler HIGH
; ------------- Enable interrupts
sti ; enbale interrupts
; ------------- Pop registers
pop ds ; pop DS
pop ax ; pop AX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Includes
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%include "GAME.ASM" ; game services
%include "GAMETAB.INC" ; winning tables
%include "GRAPHIC.ASM" ; graphic
%include "REELS.ASM" ; reels
%include "DIGITS.ASM" ; digits
%include "KEYS.ASM" ; keys
%include "SOUND.ASM" ; sound
; ------------- Added graphics
align 16
AllocSize equ (Graphics - Start) + DataSize
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Uninitialized data (60 KB area in place of VGA graphics)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------